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Geology Guide for Birkin Brook, Mobberley Brook and River Bollin

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Alluvium - Clay, silt, sand and gravel. Sedimentary superficial deposit formed between 11.8 thousand years ago and the present during the Quaternary period.

Alluvium is a general term for clay, silt, sand and gravel. It is the unconsolidated detrital material deposited by a river, stream or other body of running water as a sorted or semi-sorted sediment in the bed of the stream or on its floodplain or delta, or as a cone or fan at the base of a mountain slope. Synonym: alluvial deposits. Normally soft to firm consolidated, compressible silty clay, but can contain layers of silt, sand, peat and basal gravel. A stronger, desiccated surface zone may be present.

Glaciofluvial Sheet Deposits, Devensian - Sand and gravel. Sedimentary superficial deposit formed between 116 and 11.8 thousand years ago during the Quaternary period.

Shirdley Hill Sand Formation - Sand. Sedimentary superficial deposit formed between 116 thousand years ago and the present during the Quaternary period.

Till, Devensian - Diamicton. Sedimentary superficial deposit formed between 116 and 11.8 thousand years ago during the Quaternary period.

River Terrace Deposits - Sand and gravel. Sedimentary superficial deposit formed between 2.588 million years ago and the present during the Quaternary period.

Bollin Mudstone Member - Mudstone. Sedimentary bedrock formed between 247.1 and 241.5 million years ago during the Triassic period.

Tarporley Siltstone Formation - Siltstone, mudstone and sandstone. Sedimentary bedrock formed between 250 and 241.5 million years ago during the Triassic period.

Geology Guide for Peover Eye and Peover Lakes

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Bedrock Guide for Birkin Brook, Mobberley Brook and River Bollin

Bollin Birkin Mobberley Bedrock Geology cropped.jpg

Bedrock Guide for Peover Eye and Peover Lakes

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Erosion points of Birkin Brook Beat 1 2016
Birkin Brook Restoration Project Erosion Points Beat 1_edited.jpg

Knowledge is like Cow muck

You can hoard it all up in a big pile where it is no use to anyone and poisons the ground where it sits,


You can spread it all over the place, sit back, and watch the whole world grow

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