Standard Riverfly sampling techniques are used, 3 minute kick sample (using a 250mm by 500mm deep net with 1mm mesh size) and a 1 minute hand search, followed by an in field sorting and identifying to the 8 Target groups - Cased caddis, Caseless caddis, Mayfly, Blue winged olive, flat bodied stone clingers, Olives, Stoneflies and freshwater shrimp. The Extended Riverfly Project has also been incorporated which includes 33 invertabrate groups and takes into account water quality, silt levels and flow rates.

Riverfly Monitoring Initiative National
Results for 2024

Environment Agency
Chemical River Tests Results
Species found consisted of ;
River / Brook
Still water only
EA Identified
146 Species
Utube Video links by kind permission of John Davy-Bowker
Mayflies (Ephemeoptera)
Drake Mackerel Mayfly - Ephemera vulgata
Baetis - 5 species
Pale watery - Baetis fuscatus
Small Dark Olive - Baetis scambus,
Heptagenids - 3 species
March Brown - Rhithrogena germanica,
Ephemerellid - 1 species
Leptophlebiidae - 2 species
Turkey Bown - Paraleptophlebia submarginata
Claret Dun - Leptophlebia vespertina (Adult only)
Caenidae - 1 species
Anglers Curse - Caenis horaria
Stoneflies (Plecoptera)
Perlodidae sp
Common Yellow Sally - Isoperla grammatica
Nemoura sp.
Small Brown - Nemoura avicularis
Needle stonefly - Leuctra sp.
Sedges (Trichoptera)
Grey Flag sedge - Hydropsyche instabilis
Grey Flag sedge - Hydropsyche pellucidula
Diplectrona Felix
Dark Spotted Sedge - Polycentropus flavomaculatus
Cased caddis
Hydroptilla sp.
Cinnamon sedge - Limnephilus lunatus
Large Cinnamon Sedge - Potamophylax rotundipennis
Micropterna sequax
Caperer - Helesus digitatus
Chaetopteryx villosa
Silver sedge - Lepidostoma hirtum
Brown Silverhorn - Athripsodes bilineatus
Brown Silverhorn - Athripsodes cinereus
Ceraclea annulicornis
Triaenodes bicolor
Mystacides azurea
Athripsodes aterrimus
Lype reducta
Agrypnia pagetana
Medium Sedge - Goer pilosa
Freshwater shrimp (Malacostraca)
Demon Shrimp - Dikerogammarus haemobaphes
Crangonyx pseudogracilis / floridanus
Dragonfly (Odonata)
Blue tailed Damselfly - Ischnura elegans infuscans (Adult only)
Azure Damselfly - Coenagrion puella (Adult only)
Large red damselfly - Pyrrhosoma nymphula (Adult only)
Common Darter - Sympetrum striolatum (Adult only)
Black Tailed Skimmer - Orthetrum cancellatum (Adult only)
Other Orders
Alderflies (Megaloptera)
Alderfly - Sialis fuliginosa
True Bugs (Hemiptera)
Lesser Water Boatman - Corixa punctata
Lesser Water Boatman - Corixa panzeri
Lesser Water Boatman - Hesperocorixa linnaei
Lesser Water Boatman - Sigara falleni
Lesser Water Boatman - Sigara limitata
Pond skater - Gerris odentogaster
Water Stick Insect - Ranatra linearis​
Beetles (Coleoptera)
Diving Beetle - Oreodytes sanmarkii
Diving Beetle - Hyphydrus ovatus
Diving Beetle - Stictotarsus duodecimpustulatus
Riffle Beetle - Oulimnius tuberculatus
True Flies (Diptera)
Yellow legged Water Snipe fly - Atherix ibis (Adult)
Crane fly - Antocha vitripennis
Phantom Craneflies - Ptychopteridae
Ptychoptera contaminata
Ptychoptera lacustris
Black fly - Simulium equinum
Black fly - Simulium ornatum
Shore Flies - Ephydridae sp
Aquatic Danceflies - Clinocerinae sp
Non Biting Midge - Chironomidae spp.
Prodiamesinae sp
Chironomini sp
Cricotopus trifasciatus
Orthocladiinae sp
Tanytarsini sp
Tanypodinae sp
Biting Midge - Ceratopogonidae sp.
Phantom Midge - Chaoborus sp
Mosquitoes - Culicidae spp.
Mosquitoes - Culiseta annulata (Adult only)
Leeches (Hirudinea)
Leech - Helobdella stagnalis
Leech - Theromyzon tessulatum
Leech - Erpobdella testacea
Horse Leech - Haemopis sanduisuga
Flatworms (Tricladidea)​
Flatworm - Polycelis felina
Flatworm - Planarea tenuis
Flatworm - Dugesia tigrina
Worms (Oligochaeta)​
Square Tailed Worm - Eiseniella tetraedra
Sludge worm - Tubificidae spp.
Snails (Gastropoda)
Common Bithynia - Bithynia tentaculata
Common River Snail - Viviparus viviparus
Wandering Snail - Ampullaceana balthica
Common Ram’s-horn snail - Planorbis planorbis
Nautilus Ram’s-horn - Gyraulus crista
European valve snail - Valvata piscinalis
Whirlpool Ramshorn Snail - Anisus vortex
Jenkins' Spire Snail - Potamopyrgus antipodarum
Limpets (Gastropoda)
Lake Limpet - Acroloxus lacustris​
Bivalves (Bivalvia)
River Pea Mussel - Pissidium amnicum
River Pea Mussel - Pissidium nitidum
River Pea Mussel - Pissidium subtruncatum
Water mites (Hydracarina)​
Water mites - Hydracarina Spp
Hydrachna sp.
Podura aquatica
Water Fleas (Daphniidae)
Daphnia Sp
Copopods (Copopoda)
Copopoda Sp.

Environmental DNA barcoding (eDNA) Fish Survey 2021
Great thanks to Mike Duddy and the Mersey Rivers Trust for this information

Electro Fishing Survey
Electro fishing survey taken on Birkin brook beat 1. August 6th 2017

Both generator and backpack methods were used and resulted in a number of Perch upto 6 inch and Gudgeon to 6 inch, along with healthy populations of Bull head, Minnow and Stickleback. Also found were 10 Eels upto 2 foot in length and a Brook lamprey of about 5 inch.
Fish Species Found
Brown Trout
Bull head
Stone Loach
Brook Lamprey

Species found consisted of ;
River / Brook
Still water only
17 Species
Game fish - 2 species
Wild Brown Trout - Salmo trutta,
Greyling - Thymallus thymallus
Course fish - 5 species
Grass Carp - Ctenopharyngodon idella
Perch - Perca fluviatilis,
Chub - Squalius cephalus,
Tench - Tinca tinca,
Bream - Abramis brama
Roach - Rutilus rutilus
Predatory - 2 species
Pike - Esox lucius,
European Eel - Anguilla anguilla,
​ Others
Gudgeon - Gabia gabia,
Dace - Leuciscus leuciscus,
Minnow - Phaxinus phaxinus,
3 Spined Stickleback - Gasterosteus aculeatus
Bullhead - Cottus gobia,
Stoneloach - Barbatula babatula
Brook Lamprey - Lampetra spp.