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 None Gall associated Parasites        11 Species


Chrysis angustula

Chrysis ignita - Ruby Tailed Wasp

Cotesia glomerata

Dinocampus coccinellae

Dolichomitus imperator

Gelis agilis

Gelis rufogaster

Ichneumon suspiciosus

Ophion luteus

Pimpla rufipes

Polysphincta tuberosa



 Inquilines                 5 Species


Periclistus brandtii

Synergus gallaepomiformis

Synergus reinhardi




Turnip sawfly  - Athelia rosae

Wheat Stem Borer - Cephus pygmaeus

Namatus ribesii

Hazel Sawfly - Nematus septentrionalis

Pontania proxima

Rhogogaster picta

Rhogogaster viridis



Tenthredo arcuata

Tenthredo atra

Tenthredo livida

Tenthredo temula

Tenthredopsis sp

Wood Wasp - Urocerus gigas




Sawflies                                   20 Species


Amblyteles armatorius

Bramble Sawfly - Arge cyanocrocea

Rose Sawfly - Arge pagana

Athalia circularis 

Alder Sawfly - Eriocampa ovata

Euura proxima

Blennocampa phyllocolpa


Knowledge is like Cow muck

You can hoard it all up in a big pile where it is no use to anyone and poisons the ground where it sits,


You can spread it all over the place, sit back, and watch the whole world grow

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