Description & Statistics
Eupelmidae is a moderately sized family with circa 59 valid genera and 712 species known as of 1993. Although cosmopolitan, the family is most abundant in the tropics.
Important morphological characters include antenna with a single annulus; mesoscutum of female impressed, at least posteriorly; mesopleural area convex Sides of mesothorax of female always convex and entire. Sides of mesothorax of male divided. Tarsi with five segments and middle tibial spur long and wide. The body is often metallic colored. Wings of female often short or reduced. forewings when present have a long marginal vein and postmarginal vein . The fore and hind coxae are widely separated. A characteristic movable joint between the shield of the mesonotum and the scutellum permits a notable change in the shape of the thorax in females, on contraction of the longitudinal muscles; in this process the abdomen curves upward and forward. Ovipositor sometimes protruding strongly; gaster sessile.
Classification: Eupelmidae
Calosota acron (Walker, 1848)
Calosota aestivalis Curtis, 1836
Calosota vernalis Curtis, 1836
Eupelmus aloysii Russo, 1938
Eupelmus annulatus Nees, 1834
Eupelmus atropurpureus Dalman, 1820
Eupelmus hartigi Förster, 1841
Eupelmus hemipterus (Fonscolombe, 1832)
Eupelmus nubilipennis Förster, 1860
Eupelmus pullus Ruschka, 1921
Eupelmus spongipartus Förster, 1860
Eupelmus suecicus Hedqvist, 1963
Eupelmus urozonus Dalman, 1820
Eupelmus vesicularis (Retzius, 1793)
Merostenus excavatus (Dalman, 1820)
Stenoceroides walkeri (Curtis, 1836)
The family has diverse habits and biologies. Most species are primary, solitary parasitoids, although some are hyperparasitic. Both ecto- and endoparasitic species are common. Some species are facultative hyperparasitoids; these species are internal parasitoids when primary and ectoparasitoids when secondary. Generally, the family exhibits a wide host range. They are principally egg parasitoids or larval and pupal parasitodis of Hymenoptera and Diptera that feed on graminaceous plants. Some species are good jumpers. Eupelmidae have found little use in biological control, with only a few species having been introduced into various countries as biological control agents.
The family is quite common, with the most frequently encountered genera being Anastatus and Eupelmus. Clausen (1940) noted that Anastatus is essentially primary in its host relationships, and the various species attack eggs of Orthoptera, Hemiptera and Lepidoptera. All egg-attacking species, with exception of A. amelophagus that is predaceous on Ameles eggs, are solitary and endophagous. Infrequently they are also found as solitary external parasitoids in dipterous puparia, in particular those of Tachinidae and Cecidomyiidae. An exception is found in Anastatus viridiceps Waterst. where 15 individuals have been found to develop in a single tsetse fly puparium (Clausen 1940/62).
There is a great diversity in habit, as shown in the genus Eupelmus. Some species are primary external parasitoids, others are obligatory hyperparasitoids, and quite a few are both primary and hyperparasitic. Eupelmus cicadae Gir., E. excavatus Dalm., Arachnophaga picea How. and Lecanobius cockerelli Ashm. are egg predators. A. picea is predatory in spider egg sacs even though it has been reared from Chrysopa. E. popa Gir. is predaceous on larvae and pupae of Contarinia. Clausen (1940) noted that various species were external parasitoids on the larvae of phytophagous Chalcidoidea. Eupelmella vesicularis Ratz. (= Eupelminus saltator Lind.) is external on the larva or pupa of the hessian fly within the puparium when it develops as a primary. Calosota sinensis Ferr. is gregarious and external on mature larvae of Pareumenes.
Host preferences are wide, as shown in Eupelmus urozonus Dalm. This species is externally parasitic on the larva of the olive fly, Dacus oleae Rossi in Italy, but it has also been reared as a hyperparasitoid of that same host and from various other Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera and Lepidoptera (Silvestri et al. 1908).
A large number of eupelmid species that are normal primary parasitoids also have been found to develop as hyperparasitoids on primary parasitoids that are not associated with the normal host. Anastatus disparis Ruschka, parasitic on gypsy moth eggs, has been found as an external parasitoid of the larvae of Apanteles in the cocoons., and Anastatus pearsalli Ashm., which usually attacks eggs of Lepidoptera, has also been reared from Apanteles. E. spongipartus Foerst, which is mostly parasitic on Cynipoidea, and Eupelmella vesicularis, that is a primary parasitoid of the hessian fly, both have been reared many times from Apanteles melanoscelus Ratz. (Muesebeck & Dohanian 1927). Eupelmus tachardiae How. is believed to be a solitary internal parasitoid of the lac insect, Laccifer lacca Kerr in India, but it also develops as an external parasitoid on Microbracon greeni Ashm., that is a parasitoid of a lepidopterous predator of the same scale insect (Glover et al. 1936).
A large number of Eupelmidae are able to develop consistently as internal parasitoids of their principal hosts and as external parasitoids when behaving as hyperparasitoids. This adaptation is uncommon among insect parasitoids and Clausen (1940) thought its significance was not clear. This behavior is different from the case of Coccophagus where there is a differential development of the sexes, because both sexes are produced on the same host when development is internal.
Anastatus disparis, was introduced into the United States from Japan and Europe in 1908-09 for the biological control of gypsy moth. Another species, A. semiflavidus Gaham, has been tested on a large scale in New Mexico, its native habitat, for control of the range caterpillar, Hemileuca oliviae Ckll (Clausen 1940/62).
The group was mostly classified as a subfamily of Encyrtidae. It seems beyond doubt that Eupelmidae developed from some primitive ancestors of Pteromalidae, as comparison with the pteromalid subfamily Cleonyminae suggests. The families Tanaostigmatidae and Encyrtidae seem to be derived in turn from Eupelmidae. Yoshimoto (1984) noted that the family Eupelmidae is composed of three subfamilies: Calosotinae, Eupelminae and Tanaostigmatinae. The members of this group can be distinguished from other eupelmids by having two anelli and entire notauli that converge and merge medially before reaching the posterior margin of the mesoscutum.
They are characteristically elongate and commonly metallic in colour and resemble Encyrtidae in having an enormous enlargment of the mesopleuron (at least in females) which forms a convex elongate shield. It is ventrally delimited by a deep horizontal groove and seems to correspond to the parts known in other chalcids as the subalar area and upper mesepimeron, and in some genera (e.g. Neanastatus) a fine subdivision of the shield is traceable. The development of the shield and other unusual features of the eupelmid thorax have been the subject of an extensive study by Gibson (1985, 1986b), who also analysed their implications for the classification of the eupelmids and related groups.
The pleural shield developed apparently in conjunction with loosening of some other thoracic sclerites. In the most advanced forms (e.g. in Macroneura) the thorax can suddenly contract, its transscutal suture springs upwards to form a transverse crest between the mesoscutum, which is sloping forwards, and the scutellum plus axillae, sloping backwards. At the same time the contracting muscles pull the head, pronotum and fore legs upwards close to the steep mesoscutum, and the gaster upwards against the steepened scutellum, whilst the mid legs luxate forwards in a very peculiar way. Among the adaptations for this purpose (which, it is believed, has something to do with jumping) the most peculiar is the attachment of the mid coxae. When they are in normal position a membranous area can be seen in front of them...; this area is absent in the Meatpelmatinae (mainly Old World) in which the middle legs cannot rotate forward, and in the pteromalid-like males of Eupelminae. Other features connected with the contraction are: the first axillary sclerite of the forewing (Gibson, 1986b) which appears in contracted specimens as a rounded projection between the base of the forewing and the axilla; the movement of the lateral margin of mesoscutum, sliding backwards along the mesopleural shield; the loosely connected metanotum which often shifts up and down along the hind scutellar surface (hence this is often shiny); the mobile complex of the propodeum and the metapleuron, often showing a gap between the latter and the apex of the pleural shield; and the mobile pronotum which is medially subdivided by a membranous line in the females of Eupelminae.
Also in having an elongate and stout mid tibial spur. Riek (1970) placed the eupelmids and aphelinids as subfamilies within the Encyrtidae. Burks in Krombein et al (1979) placed the eupelmids as a separate family. Except for males of the subfamily Eupelminae, the eupelmids can be recognized by the following characters: Mesopleura enlarged, inflated, evenly convex and smooth, without impressed lines or grooves; female notauli not distinct or complete (except for the Tanaostigmatinae); mesosternum elongate, with mid coxae situated near hind coxae, posterior to midline of mesopleura. Wings often reduced, in fully winged forms with marginal vein long. Head and gaster arched upward in dead specimens so that body dorsally concave to U-shaped. males of the subfamily Eupelminae do not possess the family characteristics as listed above except for an elongate mid tibial spur. The mesopleuron is divided into a mesepisternum and mesepimeron by a femoral groove, and the notauli are entire. In these characters they closely resemble males of the family Pteromalidae, particularly the subfamily Cleonyminae.
This subfamily was proposed by Bou…ek (1958) who provided a key to genera, synonymy and new name combinations. The Calosotinae are possibly the most plesiomorphic of the three families (this seems to be supported by the fact that they develop mostly as parasites of xylophagous beetles). Bou…ek noted that "The group is distinguished from the subfamily Eupelminae by the following characters: Pronotum entire, distinctly narrower than thorax, with sides subparallel, thus appearing quadrate; mesoscutum semiquadrate, with linear and subparallel notauli in Calosota and with linear and convergent notauli in Eusandalum; axillae reduced, width of medial part of scutellum basally subequal to or greater than width of axilla, and body elongate and slender, as in many Cleonyminae of the family Pteromalidae.
The North American species of Calosota Girault (1917) were revised by Burks (1973) who also presented a key to the described species of Eusandalum. Yoshimoto (1984) noted that all known species of Eusandalum are parasitoids on wood-boring beetles (Cerambycidae, Scolytidae). Calosota spp. are either primary or secondary parasitoids of Hymenoptera (Eurytomidae, Torymidae) and Diptera (Cecidomyiidae) in stems of grass.
Females are distinguished from the Calosotinae by a pronotum that is usually divided medially, not obviously narrower than thorax because its sides converge and do not appear quadrate; a mesoscutum that is longitudinally concave or depressed medially, lacking clearly defined notauli; the axillae are often contiguous but this trait is also found in Calosotinae; Mesopleuron convex. Females of several species have short wings.
The members of Eupelminae show great diversity in their behaviour. Some are primary external parasitoids of larval or pupal stages of Homoptera, Coleoptera, Diptera and Lepidoptera. Anastatus and some species of Eupelmus are egg parasites of Lepidoptera, Orthoptera and Hemiptera. Others are hyperparasites of Braconidae and Tenthredinidae (Hymenoptera). Some species of Eupelmus attack either cynipid gall formers (Cynipidae, Hymenoptera) or Coleoptera and Diptera in plant stems and flower heads. Species of Metapelma are parasites of wood-boring beetles (Coleoptera). Members of the genus Arachnophaga are either parasites of spiders or primary or secondary parasites of Lepidoptera.
In Metapelmatinae the contracting capability is rather poor and the mid coxae cannot be rotated forward, not having the membranous anterior areas. Otherwise some generic characters seem to be correlated with specific niches, e.g. the cubical head with long scapes and very long body developed in a strikingly similar form in Exosandalum (Calosotinae), Hirticauda (Eupelminae, nr to Eupelmus), and one West Indian genus close to Brasema (Eupelminae nr Anastatus). Another example is the similarity of the body with a long ovipositor in Tineobius Australoodera and the American Idoleupelmus Ashmead (the last genus has an apical rim on the gaster as in Anastatus).
Biology & Behavior
Adult Behavior.
Riley (1874) described the habits of Anastatus mirabilis W. & R., calling it the "back-rolling wonder." Females have the habit of tumbling about after jumping and before gaining a foothold. Jumping behavior is well developed in Eupelmidae, and rather than flight, is probably the principal mode of locomotion. In A. amelophagus, females are apterous and males bear normal wings, while females of Eupelmella vesicularis have abbreviated wings. Various degrees of wing reduction are found in other species also (Clausen 1940/62).
A large number of eupelmids that are parasitic in eggs also feed on the fluids that exude from ovipositor punctures. Such feeding usually precedes oviposition, and stinging is often for the sole purpose of feeding. The stinging of many host eggs by A. disparis probably increases its force as a natural control agent (Parker 1933). In most cases the female merely consumes the egg fluids that exude, but in A. disparis, when feeding occurs on larvae or pupae of Ooencyrtus within the gypsy moth egg, a feeding tube is formed, which is also found in Arachnophaga when it attacks cocoons of Chrysopa. Female Anastatus axiagasti Ferr. punctures the egg, feeds and then wanders away, but she returns later, chews away the "cone" of dried fluids over the puncture and reinserts the ovipositor for laying an egg (Lever 1934). Adult Eupelmus popa seem to derive a portion of their food requirements from plant exudations (Woodruff 1929). They have been noted to feed on the hairy tips of feterita heads on which they were ovipositing. These tips are bound together with a gummy fluid not found elsewhere on the plant.
The true egg parasitoids, such as A. albitarsis, when oviposition occurs in eggs in which some embryonic development has occurred, the parasitoid egg is never placed within the embryo but is free floating in the egg fluids. Female A. albitarsis spend 15-30 min. during penetration of the heavy egg chorion of Dictyoploca, and initial penetration of the interior is exploratory. Eggs are never laid in a host egg containing either a nearly mature host embryo or an advanced parasitoid larva.
Eupelmids that are external parasitoids may place the egg only in the vicinity of the host rather than directly on it. In Eupelmus alynii French, about 1/2 the eggs are placed on the inner wall of the Harmolita cell. E. cicadae places its egg in the egg chamber of Cicada pleberja Fall, but external to the eggs. Female E. popa deposit the eggs on the hairs of the inner glumes of a spikelet of sorghum that is infested with Contarinia sorghicola Coq. Lecanobisu cockerelli Ashm. inserts the ovipositor by a backward thrust beneath the margin of an egg-bearing female of Saissetia oleae Bern. and places her egg among those of the host (Clausen 1940/62). A number of species of Eupelmus cover the egg with a fibrous network, a habit which was first observed in E. allynii (Packard 1916, Phillips & Poos 1921)) parasitic on the larvae of H. tritici Fitch, about half of the eggs being covered. The threads converge over the egg center, and it seems that the egg must first be laid on the wall of the larval cell opposite the point of penetration by the ovipositor and the strands are then fastened to the cell wall around the margin of the egg and drawn up to the center. The material from which this covering is formed is probably derived from the colleterial glands of the female parasitoid (Clausen 1940/62). A similar covering has been found in E. spongipartus, Eupelmella vesicularis and in Eupelmus sp. (Taylor 1937).
In species developing hyperparasitically, it has been found that the egg stalk serves as an organ of attachment. The stalk tip in the Anastatus pearsalli egg is always embedded in the ovipositor puncture in the integument of the Apanteles larva (Muesebeck & Dohanian 1927). The eggs of Eupelmella vesicularis deposited in Diprion cocoons are always found with their stalks fixed to the fibrous inner lining of the cocoon at the perforation point. Thus, they are suspended above the mass of Microplectron larvae, where they are protected from injury.
There is a relatively short oviposition period and the reproductive capacity is low. Females of Anastatus albitatsis deposit an average of circa 50 eggs during 15 days, and Eupelmella vesicularis averages only 20 (Clausen 1940/62).
Life Cycle
Egg incubation usually takes 2-5 days in summer, but the period may be greatly prolonged. Caffrey (1921) found that a portion of the eggs of A. semiflavidus persisted through winter. The time from egg deposition to larval maturity is only 10-20 days in most species, and winter is passed as mature larvae or prepupae. However, A. semiflavidus hibernates mostly as partly grown larvae, and feeding is completed in springtime.
There is usually only a single generation each year, corresponding to the host cycle. However, A. albitarsis usually produces a partial second brood in the infertile Dictyoploca eggs that remain after the healthy eggs have hatched, and several alternate hosts are known that are in the egg stage during midsummer. A. axiagasti, parasitoid of pentatomid eggs in the Solomon Islands, completes its cycle in 16 days and seemingly has a large number of generations each year. A portion of each brood persists in the larval stage until the second year in A. semiflavidus and Eupelmus cicadae. The period devoted to feeding is always relatively short, ranging from 1-2 weeks (Clausen 1940/62).
Sex Ratio & Parthenogenesis
Some species of Anastatus show a slight preponderance of females ranging to 2:1 under field conditions. There have been no males of Eupelmella vesicularis found in North America and females produce the same sex, generation. However, in Europe males are abundant in this species (Clausen 1940/62).
Immature Stages of Eupelmidae
There is little variation in form among the eggs of the representatives of the Eupelmidae. The main body of the egg is ellipsoidal and bears a stalk of varying length at the anterior end. In A. albitarsis, this stalk is only one third the length of the egg body and is robust and turgid after deposition. There is no pedicel or flagellum at the posterior end, but only a minute tubercle. In other species of this genus and in other genera, the stalk is longer, at times equaling or slightly exceeding the egg body, and more slender and there is a tapering "flagellum" at the opposite end of the egg. After deposition of the egg, the stalk is usually convoluted or sharply bent. The eggs of this family are relatively large, ranging from 0.3 to 0.7 mm. for the length of the main body.
The first instar larvae of the genus Anastatus are distinguished by a rather elongated form and the development of the last abdominal segment into a bifurcated process. The extreme modification in form within the genus is revealed by A. albitarsis, found in lepidopterous eggs (Clausen, 1927). The paired processes of the tail are curved and heavily sclerotized and lie at right angles to the plane of the body. The second and third thoracic and the first seven abdominal segments each bear a transverse row of long spines ventrally at the anterior margin. Those of the first row equal about three body segments in length, and they diminish in size on the successive segments. Other species of the genus show the above characters in a lesser degree, though in some the ventral spines are not arranged in a distinct row and do not appreciably exceed the dorsal spines in length.
The larvae of Eupelmus and other genera in which the first instar is known lack the bifurcation of the caudal segment and have a relatively small number of spines. That of E. allynii has two pairs of long spines dorsally on each body segment except the last and one pair of smaller spines ventrally on each thoracic segment. The integument is densely clothed with minute setae. In Arachnophaga, one pair of spines is dorsal and the second lateral, just beneath the line of the spiracles. The integument of the dorsum and side bears numerous peg like projections. The larva of E. cicadae is slender, with a large and heavily sclerotized head, and the segmental spines are very much reduced in size. That of Eupelmella vesicularis bears two pairs of long heavy spines on each body segment, with an additional shorter pair on each of the thoracic segments.
The tracheal system of this instar normally bears four pairs of spiracles, which are situated on the second thoracic and the first three abdominal segments. In Eupelmus allynii, however, an additional pair is found on the metathorax.
Development of Larvae.
First instar larvae of A. albitarsis are able to readily move about in the semifluid host egg contents by repeated flexing of the body in the dorsoventral plane. The bifurcate caudal process, in junction with the ventral rows of spines, aids in movement through the medium. Such adaptations seem of limited importance when the larva is confined within an egg, but they may be useful to those species where development takes place externally on larvae. Species of Eupelmus and other genera that are external parasitoids of larvae in plant cells or in cocoons, show movement between two plane surfaces, and the long, stout spines may thus serve a locomotory function. In later instars there is less need to change position, and such characters are lacking (Clausen 1940/62).
Eupelmus cicadae deposits the egg in the egg chamber of Cicada, but externally (Silvestri 1918). The larva passes from one egg to another, sucking out the contents. The eggs in two or more chambers, situated close together in the twig, may be consumed by a single larva. The mature larva forms a channel or tunnel through the twig. When this is finished, the larva orients itself with the head toward the opening (Clausen 1940/62). Larvae of E. popa are predaceous on larvae and pupae of the sorghum midge, Contarinia sorghicola (Woodruff 1929). Newly hatched larvae of Eupelmus crawl from the hairs on the inner glume of the spikelet, where the eggs are laid, and search for midge larvae in the spikelet. First instar larvae are able to feed only on midge larvae, while later instars also attack pupae. Some larvae complete their development on a single host, while others require 2-3. Some larvae, after feeding on one host, complete their growth on plant sap, these individuals losing the reddish colour that is characteristic of larvae that continue the entomophagous mode. They may be found embedded in cavities, usually many times their own size, and surrounded by shredded plant tissue resulting from lacerations of the seed during the feeding period. This is the only known case of plant feeding in the family, and the species is considered to be in an early transitional stage from an entomophagous to a phytophagous habit (Clausen 1940/62).
Eupelmus atropurpureus Dalm. is an external parasitoid on mature larvae of T. incertus Ratz. when the latter occurs singly in its host. When several are present within the remains of the alfalfa weevil larva, as is usually the case, it becomes a predator and consumes several or all of those which are found (Chamberlin 1925). The behavior of Eupelmella vesicularis, is similar (Morris 1938). The egg is deposited in a Diprion cocoon containing larvae or pupae of Microplectron fuscipennis, the latter ranging up to 100 or more. From 10-20 of these are consumed during larval feeding. At completion of feeding, Eupelmella larvae enter their most destructive phase and kill every Microplectron of all stages, including adults, that are found in the cocoon. Clausen (1940) noted that the repressive effect on the Microplectron is much greater than its size and numerical abundance indicate.
Taylor (1937) studying the larval behavior of Eupelmus sp., noted that the parasitoid is normally solitary and external on Elasmus and Tetrastichus, which develop on larvae of coconut leaf miners, Promecotheca spp., but it may develop also as a primary parasitoid on the latter. The newly hatched larva is quite active and may move about through the leaf mine and feed on several of the chalcidoid larvae if more than one is present. When attacking a primary larva that has not completed feeding, the Eupelmus larva consumes it and then continues to feed on the leaf beetle larva. Maturity may be attained after feeding on only a single larva of Elasmus, but full sized individuals arise only from larvae that have consumed several hosts (Clausen 1940/62).
The studies made upon Anastatus, Eupelmus and Eupelmella indicate that there are normally five larval instars, with the intermediate and final instars quite similar in form.
In Anastatus, there appear to be two forms of mature larvae, one being that of A. albitarsis and A. semiflavidus, in which the body is robust, almost cylindrical, curved to conform to the egg in which it develops, and bearing only a few minute setae, and the other, represented by A. disparis and Anastatus sp. which is almost spherical in form. The latter bears short spines on the thoracic segments and a larger number on the sixth to ninth abdominal segments.
In Eupelmus, Eupelmella and Lecanobius, the mature larva is rather elongated as compared with that of Anastatus. Eupelmus allynii bears about seven pairs of long spines on the first thoracic segment, five pairs on the second and third, two pairs on the first five abdominal segments, and three pairs on the last five abdominal segments. Those on the abdomen are considerably shorter than the thoracic spines. Among the different species, the principal variation is in the size of these spines. The mandibles are simple. The number and position of the spiracles are constant in all the known genera, there being nine pairs, situated on the second and third thoracic and the first seven abdominal segments.
There is little variation in the form of the pupae within the family. Some have the body greatly curved, to conform to the outline of the egg in which they have developed, whereas others not so closely confined are more slender and the parts of the body are in the same plane. A. albitarsus is the only species known to possess the three fleshy processes on the head superimposed over the developing ocelli.
Information courtesy of University of California, Riverside
Eupelmus urozonus
Eupelmus urozonus is a member of the family Eupelmidae and has a large and varied host range and attacks species of several orders and habitats, in varying stages of development. It is theorised that it may be an aggregate of sibling species yet to be isolated and determined.
In Oak it is a parasitoid of; Andricus albopunctatus agamic, A. corruptrix agamic, A. curvator sexual, A. fecundator agamic, A. grossulariae sexual, A. kollari agamic, A. lignicola agamic, A. lucidus agamic, A. lucidus sexual, A. quercuscalicis agamic, A. solitarius agamic, A.testaceipes agamic, Biorhiza pallida sexual, Cynips divisa agamic, C. longiventris agamic, Neuroterus anthracinus (=A. anthracina) agamic, N. quercusbaccarum sexual.
In Rose it is known to be a parasitoid of Diplolepis rosae and thought to be a parasitoid of Periclistus brandtii, D. mayri, D. eglanteriae and possibly others.
It may well hyperparasitise other parasitoids and has been recorded laying into Eurytoma brunniventris (Askew 1961).
It has also been found from Myopites olivieri (Dipt., Tephritidae) onInula and Mikiola fagi (Dipt., Cecidomyiidae) on Fagus, from galls of a cecidomyiid (Etsuhoa thuriferae) on Juniperus thurifera, Blascoa ephedrae (Hym., Pteromalidae), Eurytoma gallephedrae (Hym., Eurytomidae) on Ephedra nebrodensis, Myopites galls on Inula and fruits of Juniperus phoenicea.
E. urozonus has been known to fly from january through to october, however, the life cycle has been found to be bivoltine (Askew 1961), with the first generation flying from the first three weeks in june and a later generation emerging from the end of july and the the end of september. Fully grown larvae have been found overwintering in Oak galls which have emerged in june and produced fast growing larvae which form the second generation later in the summer.
The female measures an average of 2.8mm, with a range of 1.8-3.4mm excluding the ovipositor.
The head is a dark metallic green, slightly hairy, with large dark brown eyes and small dark ocelli. The antennae are very dark with a dark green metallic scape, one ring and 7 funicular segments, which are not tapered, as well as a flat and wide club.
The thorax is a very dark metallic green with long but sparse decumbant white hairs. The notaulices are full length but shallow. The mesoscutum, scutellum and mesepimeron are reticulate. The tegulae are dark neutral brown in colour and lead to the wings which are clear, large and rounded. The veins and the hairs are transparent, with the stigmal vein being short and without darkening at the head. The marginal vein is at least 2.5x the length of the post marginal vein. The Legs have dark metallic green coxae and femora, with yellow joints. The tibia and tarsi, which have 5 segments, are yellow with darker marks on the joints. The gaster (abdomen) is again dark metallic green with, when seen from above has a square end, and is covered in short decumbant, white hairs. The ovipositor sheaths are dark and very short with a prominent yellow band in the middle.
The male measures 1.3-2.5mm, averaging out at 1.8mm. Its head is dark metallic green with a concave front, Bright red, widely spaced eyes and dirty straw coloured ocelli. The antennae are dark brassy brown and hairy, with one ring, 7 funicular segments and a slightly swollen club.
The thorax again has a very dark metallic green top and is hairy. The notaulices are complete but shallow. The mesoscutum is reticulate but the scutellum is coriaceous and the mesepimeron is largely glossy. The tegulae are neutral brown and lead to the wings which are clear but with mid brown veins and hairs. The stigmal and post marginal veins are the same length and the marginal vein is at least 2.5x the length if the post marginal vein. The stigma and the uncus are both strongly marked. The legs have purple metallic coxae, which show up characteristly in day light, and dark green or brown femora with neutral brown tibia and pale neutral brown tarsi, of which there are 5 segments. The gaster is a very dark metallic greeny brown and hairy. It is flattened so as to look broad from above and thin from the side.
Askew described the oviposition of E. urozonus into an oak gall of Cynips divisa. The drilling proces was observed, lasting some 26 minutes before the egg was finally deposited into a chamber containing a full grown Eurytoma brunniventris. The egg was covered by the weaving of fine transverse strands of silk by the ovipositor of the female wasp, so that the egg appeared to be in a cocoon, bound to the wall of the chamber. The E. brunniventris larva had not been paralysed, as is the usual custom of Chalcids.
More detailed descriptions and identification keys are available from Robin Williams at the British Plant Gall Society
Eupelmus vesicularis
A previous synonym of this wasp was Macroneura vesicularis. It is a member of the family Eupelmidae and primarily parasitises the Cynipidae gall wasp Andricus quercuscalicis on Oak. It has also been reported to be found in Diastrophus rubi galls on Rubus spp., Myopites olivieri (Dipt., Tephritidae) on Dittrichia and Mikiola fagi (Dipt., Cecidomyiidae) on Fagus. Specimens have also been reared from galls of Rhopalomyia (Dipt., Cecidomyiidae) on Artemisia, Liposthenus kerneri on Nepeta latifolia, Phanacis caulicola on Picris echioides
Phanacis centaureae on Centaurea nigra and on C. scabiosa, Timaspis phoenixopodos on Lactuca viminea and Diplolepis rosae on Rosa canina, which was first thought doubtfull, however one was reared from D. spinosissimae, which may make this more likely.
The female measures about 2.8mm in length excluding ovipositor.The head is very dark bronze and metallic green, lightly alutaceous. The mid sized eyes are red and the ocelli are pale red and inconspicuous. The antennae dark brassy in colour and strongly tapered, with one ring and 7 funicular segments. The scape is fat and yellow and the pedicle is metallic green, tiny and slender.
The thorax again is metallic green and has no notaulices nor a median line. This wasp is wingless, or rather the wings are much reduced (Brachypterous) and the apex of the rudimentary forewing is rounded. The legs have metallic coxae, dirty yellow trochanters, with dark brown femora with a yellow tip. The tibia are yellow with a brown infusion towards the tip. The 5 tarsi segments are yellow with a dark tip and a row of black pegs. The plump gaster (abdomen) is dark neutral brown with a short testaceous base, segmented with the segments having bronze edges. It is alutaceous and punctate. The ovipositor sheaths are tiny with a dark base and tip and thicken in the centre which has a yellow band.
The male measures about 1.6mm in length. The head is a metallic dirty olive green with some purple lights. It is coriaceous and has short hairs. The mid sized eyes are red-brown in colour and the ocelli also are red-brown. The antennae are black with a scape that is faintly narrowly yellow below. There is one ring and 7 comparatively long and untapered funicular segments, segments 1 to 3 have a bump below and set with a group of specialised sensillae which are difficult to spot. The thorax is a dirty metallic olive green with some bright green tints in parts. The notaulices are full length but there is no median line. The mesepimeron is glossy above and strigose-coriaceous below. The tegulae are neutral brown and lead to the wings which are clear. The long marginal vein is several times the length of the post marginal and stigmal veins which are both the same length. The legs have metallic purple coxae, and the femora are dark with a yellow base. The front tibia is generally a dirty yellow, where as, the middle and hind tibia have a yellow base with well defined dark ends. The tarsi consist of 5 segments. The gaster is a very dark metallic bronzy-green with a shallow coriaceous sculpture and hairs around the edge. It is wide, shallow and segmented with stepped edges.
More detailed descriptions and identification keys are available from Robin Williams at the British Plant Gall Society.