Sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus)
The name "sycamore" originally belongs to the fig species Ficus sycomorus native to southwest Asia (this is the sycamore or sycomore referred to in the Bible), and was later misapplied to this species (and others; see also Platanus) by reason of the superficial similarity in leaf shape. To avoid confusion, the name Sycamore here will refer to Acer pseudoplatanus
The commonest member of the Maple family in Britain, Sycamore is native to mountainous areas of Central Europe from France east to Poland, and south (in mountains) to northernmost Spain and Turkey. Sycamores were introduced to the British Isles from France many centuries ago. Jones (1944) found that the first definite record of sycamore in England is that of Lyte in 1578. Sycamore remained rare though by the 17th and 18th centuries, nursery records show stocking and sale of young sycamores (Bleay 1987). However, it was not extensively planted until the late 18th century (Jones 1944). At that time sycamore was especially popular in amenity planting of some ancient parks and was planted with many other exotics for a classical effect (Mabey 1980) and it is said that this practice encouraged its spread (Pennington 1969). In Scotland the first Gaelic name for sycamore - the Plinntriinn - was first referred to in 1772 suggesting that the tree was not common enough prior to that date to warrant a name (Fergusson 1878). Binggeli (1992). Evidence from pollen diagrams support the view that sycamore is introduced and has only become common in recent times. For instance Peglar et al. (1989) found that sycamore pollen first appeared in lake sediments in the zone dated about 0 to 150 B.P. and was a result of tree planting around the lake and in the nearby town over the previous two centuries. Binggeli (1992).
In Ireland, like in Britain, sycamore pollen has not been recorded in any pre-17th century pollen diagrams (e.g. Hirons & Edwards 1986, Mitchell 1988, Hall 1990) and this indicates that the species is not native. This is further supported by the fact that no place name derived from sycamore exists in Ireland (McCracken 1971), whereas many originated from other tree species like oak. Sycamore (Crann bán in Irish, Webb 1977) was first recorded in Ireland in 1632 (Fitzpatrick 1933). Plantings of sycamore made prior to 17th century were in shelter belts, orchards and avenues on estates around Dublin and Cork and planting blocks began around 1700 (McCracken 1971).
By 1756 in Co. Kerry Dr Smith was urging his readers living near the sea to plant this tree: "of all timber trees none thrive so well near the turbulent element as the sycamore, which will flourish where scarce any other tree will grow. It bears the spray of the sea very well itself, and by its breadth of leaf excellently defends any other tree from it in the summer, and is of so quick a growth that its body and arms soon become qualified to do the same in winter" (Scully 1916). By the 18th century enough sycamore had been grown to be felled and sold; McCracken (1971) reports that out of about 200 advertisements for sale of timber which appeared in Faulkner's Dublin Journal between 1731 and 1763 five list sycamore. The fact that sycamore was added to the list of woods allowed in the making of barrels used in the export of meat, butter, tallow and fish in 1732 underlines its availability and economic importance. The 19th century saw the rise of sycamore and other exotics (McCracken 1971). Binggeli (1992).
Sycamore is a deciduous tree, with a stout trunk. It can grow to a height of 35 metres in Britain, with a broad, domed crown and when mature is sometimes broader than it is tall and has a massive, rounded outline and dense foliage. The bark is smooth and silvery grey until the tree matures and turns pinkish-brown with age when it gets somewhat rougher and becomes fissured or breaks up in scales, exposing the pale-brown-to-pinkish inner bark.
It was originally planted but is now widely naturalized from seed in woods, plantations and hedgerows.
The bright green buds of the sycamore tree are set in opposite pairs on smooth grey twigs. The buds are hard and remain tightly closed until early April.
The leaves are opposite, 7-25 cm long and broad with a 5-15 cm petiole, palmately-veined with five lobes with toothed edges. They are dark green in colour and hairless above, paler and hairy only on the veins below. The leaf-stalks, 10-20 cm long, are often red. Some cultivars have purple-tinged or yellowish leaves.
The leaves may be blotched by a fungus called 'Tar spot', which is harmless.
A tree consists of numerous branches whose shoots may or may not carry an inflorescence which consist of an aggregation of flowers. The monoecious yellow-green, 5-petalled flowers are produced in spring on 10-20 cm pendulous racemes that hang downwards, with 20-50 flowers on each stalk, appearing with the leaves in May.
With the exception of some male flowers, which instead of a gynoecium have only a tuft of white hairs, all flowers are morphologically hermaphrodite, but are functionally unisexual.
Flowers have a rudimentary gynoecium which never develops, and stamens which never grow and their pollen never released. In the following, all functionally male or female flowers will be described as male or female flowers.
Some sycamore inflorescences bear male flowers only, but generally both sexes are represented. Usually inflorescences start flowering with a sequence of male or female flowers and then switch to the other sex. Up to five changes in the sex expression on any one inflorescence has been observed by de Jong (1976).
The mode of sex expression of individuals is similar, but is a mixture of the above modes of sex
expression. In most cases, all inflorescences of a tree always start flowering with a male or female sequence and switch to the other sex one or more times, but the switch is not normally synchronised on the whole canopy. An individual may therefore be classified as protogynous (female starters) or protandrous (male starters). A few individuals flower solely with male inflorescences (classified as protandrous as well) whereas on a few individuals, some inflorescences may start with a small number of flowers of the opposite sex.
Each anther produces on average 2935 pollen grains (Pohl 1937) which are 60±4.4µ long and 28±2.5µ wide (Semm 1965). 32.8% (range 22.7% to 59.5%) of the male flower pollen germinates and none in female flowers (Svobodová 1977).
Female flowers produce during the whole flowering season more nectar (5.92mg) than male flowers (4.87mg) and a higher proportion of sugars (respectively 43.2% and 39.0%) (Haragsim 1977). The nectar is composed of 88.9% sucrose, 3.7% fructose and 7.4% glucose (Ivanov & Vachev 1984) and in spring the sycamore is a very important source of nectar and pollen for bees (see Maurizio 1953, Pritsch 1961, Wille et al. 1985).
The 5-10 mm diameter seeds are paired in samaras, each seed with a 20-40 mm long wing to catch the wind and rotate when they fall; this helps them to spread further from the parent tree. The seeds are mature in autumn about 6 months after pollination. The join between the 2 winged fruits or 'samaras', each 3.5-5 cm long, forms a right-angle, or less.
Sycamore seeds are readily eaten by wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) as soon as they fall to the ground but only when acorns or beech nuts are rare (Ashby 1959, Watts 1968, Montgomery et al. 1991). Helliwell (1965) carried out sowing experiments of sycamore seeds in spring in 11 English woodlands. Within a month nearly all seeds had been eaten in six of the woods while in the other no predation took place. Thus the impact of small rodents on sycamore seeds can be dramatic but varies strongly both in space and time.
Seeds are also affected by environmental conditions. If seed moisture content drops below 45%
they are killed but as water losses are slow, seed desiccation is unlikely to kill many seeds in an oceanic winter climate. Seed viability in sycamore is as high as 95% and germination is optimal at temperatures between 10 and 15°C (Damian & Negrutiu 1973). In nursery conditions sycamore seeds have high germination down to a burial depth of 12cm (Petrovic 1956) and in grassland conditions seeds germinate well in damp situations but not in drought situations unless buried (Chinner 1948).
Under natural conditions Southwood et al. (1988) stated that seeds germinated well in bare ground or in moderate vegetation as long as the soil is loose and damp. On compacted soils sycamore seeds readily germinate but the rootlet fails to enter the soil and the embryo dies. Such conditions are commonly found in soil with no litter and little soil organic matter.
None of the investigated features of the reproductive biology of sycamore appear to include a stage which seriously limits population size and growth of the species. Because in most years sycamore is such a prolific seed producer, but does not appear to spread in the countryside as dramatically as other species (e.g. Rhododendron ponticum), some stage in its life cycle must be limiting its spread.
As noted by Helliwell (1965) large crops of young (often only one month-old) seedlings often fail to survive. Sometimes, on the continent, it has been noted that very dense sapling banks disappear, whilst another one nearby did not (Dethioux 1970).
Slugs can kill seedlings by eating their stems (Dethioux 1970) and thus cause a very high mortality of seedlings. For instance, Helliwell (1965) found that in woodlands within a month of seedling establishment the majority had been killed, chiefly by slugs. He also noted that the sites where there was the smallest number of seedlings killed, were those with sandy and sandy-loam soils. Ashby (1959) found that heavy mortality of seedlings was caused by slugs at the end of a wet summer and rodents during the first winter. Out of 922 seedlings, 11% survived the summer and only 4% were alive at the end of the winter. Saplings suffer less slug damage because their stems are lignified and only the buds are attacked (Dethioux 1970). Pigott (1991, p 1186) reported that in 1983 sycamore saplings were severely damaged by grey squirrels (Sciurus carolinensis). The cotyledons and, less frequently, the young leaves and growth points of seedlings in old fields were destroyed by grazing, the damage being characteristic of slugs and snails, although small rodents could be important in this habitat (Southwood et al. 1988).
Davies & Pepper (1989), in a transplant experiment, reported that sycamore survival in rough grassland was 81% after two years and down to 42% after three years, but when a one metre circle was treated with herbicide 94% survived after three years. After two seasons 86% of saplings in rough grassland had suffered field vole (Microtus agrestis) damage which caused the high casualties observed among saplings. According to Davies & Pepper (1989) field voles, residents of rough grassland, can occur in very large but fluctuating numbers, but are confined to the height of the surrounding vegetation and do not climb. They strip and eat the bark of young trees.
Many other factors affect the growth of seedlings and saplings and depending on their intensity can affect population size, they include:
1. Seed size: There is a positive correlation between seed weight and seedling weight after 14 weeks (Helliwell 1965).
2. Nutrients: Sycamore seedlings are very strongly affected by nutrient levels. Van den Driessche & Wareing (1966) found differences in dry weight of an order of magnitude of ten. Saplings grown in nursery or spoil ground grew much better in the close vicinity of Alnus species (Leibundgut 1976, Bradshaw 1989). This would suggest the importance of nitrogen as a limiting nutrient, but the conclusions of the experimental work carried out by Helliwell (1965) and Harrison & Helliwell (1981) clearly show that nitrogen is not important whereas soil phosphorus is an over-riding factor in controlling the growth of young plants.
3. pH: In sandy soil two year old saplings grown for 82 days had an average height increment of 15.6cm at pH 7; at pH 5 and pH 6 it was 80% of that at pH 7, 68% at pH 4, and only 40% at pH 8 (Sebald 1956). To obtain a sandy soil of pH 8, CaCO3 was added up to a level of 3% and thoroughly mixed. Because sycamore saplings exhibited poor growth in this high pH soil with 3% CaCO3, which is typical of where sycamore is dominant (see Section 4) Sebald (1956) suggests that CaCO3 is detrimental to sycamore growth when thoroughly mixed which is unlikely to be the case in natural conditions. Results of seedling growth experiments in sandy soil at pH 4 by Helliwell (1965) contradict those found by Sebald (1956) as he observed no increase in weight. Although pH is important in growth, Harrison & Helliwell (1981) point out that soil phosphorus is the overriding factor and this could explain the differences in growth observed at pH 4.
4. Water: According to Dethioux (1970) soils too wet or too dry are detrimental to seedlings. Helliwell (1965) found that seedlings under drought conditions for 20 days wilted. Early spring drought under grasses, as well as grazing, prevent the sycamore invasion of grassland by sycamore (Chinner 1948).
5. Temperature: The impact of temperature on seedlings grown for three weeks indicates that sycamore seedlings exposed to intermittent low temperatures grew better and more individuals survived long exposure (6-12hrs) to frosty conditions (Damian & Negrutiu 1973). They also found that even hardened seedlings were killed after 4-5 hours at -5°C and this could explain why some years all young seedlings disappear early in the season (e.g. March).
6. Light: Sycamore seedlings appear capable of adaptation to light intensity at least between relative levels of 25% to 100% (Wassink et al. 1956). Seedling dry weights increase logarithmically with increasing light intensity (Helliwell 1965), and similar increases in height growth (11 to 27cm), in the number of leaves (four to 16) and leaf area (100 to 440 cm2) have been found on two year old saplings at relative light intensities of 1% and 100% (Röhrig 1967). The development of the root system was similarly affected. No data is available on the impact of light quality and the effect of seasons. At most woodland sites growth ceases at light levels of 3% and there is little increase in growth with increasing light intensity, up to 20% level (Helliwell 1965). He suggested that the growth response to light only occurs in nutrient rich soils while Dethioux (1970) claimed that in good habitats light requirements appear to be low. In a Bavarian forest following shelterwood cutting old saplings exhibited strong reaction (in term of biomass increase) following light increases whereas a weak response was observed in young saplings (El Kateb 1991).
Like many other tree species, bud break of saplings takes place before adults (Grime et al. 1988) and this can favour the survival of saplings particularly under the canopy of late flushing trees (e.g. Fraxinus excelsior).
7. Mycorrhizal associations: Mycorrhizal associations found in sycamore are Vesicular-arbuscular (VA) endophytes (Frankland & Harrison 1985). In woodlands Helliwell (1965) found that none of the seedlings showed the mycorrhizal root formation found in older trees. Garbaye & le Tacon (1986) innoculated potted seedlings with the fungus Glomus mosseae. They were planted out and after a year a difference in height growth of 10cm between seedlings with and without mycorrhizal associations was recorded. This initial difference remained after four years when the saplings had reached a height of 70cm. Research by Frankland & Harrison (1985) suggests that mycorrhizal associations are likely to be important in nutrient poor or chemically unbalanced soils, but Kabre et al. (1982) have pointed out that mycorrhization is important to seedling growth even in rich soils.
8. Competition: Perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne inhibited root growth and decreased seasonal duration of growth in young sycamore (Richardson 1953) and it is said that sycamore does not do well against bramble (Rubus spp.) competition (Dethioux 1977). It has even been suggested that intra-specific root competition between young sycamores, particularly in dense stands, can be responsible for their death (Dethioux 1970).
Quantitative data on the impact of competition are available from sycamore sapling transplants into sites dominated by grasses carried out by Davies (1987). He found that in undisturbed control areas 1st year growth reached about 1.5cm, with mowing or one application of herbicide it was about 4cm, and with increasing herbicide applications height increment increased up to 40cm. Southwood et al.'s (1988) investigations of an old field succession showed that sycamore became established under a canopy of herbage (25cm high in summer) though few survived reaching a height of 12cm. These saplings were etiolated and had very small leaves. In a recently ploughed field where the herbage was less dense, saplings reached canopy height after three years.
It is clear that sycamore seedlings and saplings suffer from competition, but Buckley's (1984) work indicates that a critical level of herbaceous canopy and patchiness can improve both the survival and growth of established sycamore saplings. He carried out direct seeding on weathered chalk spoil and found that under a sparse cover, including Lolium multiflorum and several legumes, the performance of established seedlings improved.
9. Interactions: As one would expect many of these factors can interact and some of these interactions have been examined.
a) Above it was reported that soil phosphorus is the main growth limiting factor and that mycorrhizal associations increase growth. Kabre et al. (1982) showed that greenhouse mycorrhizal associations increased the coefficient of utilisation of phosphorus.
b) At low light intensity (3.6% of full day light) seedlings do not appear to be able to benefit from increasing amount of soil nutrient (Helliwell 1965).
c) Davies (1985) found that competition between sycamore saplings and ground vegetation was primarily for moisture and nutrients reducing survival and growth. These effects were greater on soils with poor moisture retention, or where the climate results in high soil moisture deficit.
d) Apart from competing for resources with seedling and saplings, dense grass vegetation provides the right conditions for the maintenance of large populations of small mammals and molluscs that increase mortality of seedlings and saplings (Southwood et al. 1988).
e) In grassland conditions most tree species, inclusive of sycamore but with the exception of Quercus robur, fail to become established. A combination of grazing, grass competition for water and spring drought make conditions unsuitable for seed germination and seedling survival. Oak with its large seeds and deep tap root can survive (Chinner 1948).
Clearly the stages in the life history of sycamore which limit its population growth and spread are: seedling establishment, and seedling and sapling survival. However, there is not a single factor which will control sycamore establishment. Instead there appear to be a combination of factors (e.g. slug and rodent population size, yearly variation in climate, etc.) which will vary in intensity both temporally and spatially.
Current distribution.
Rodwell et al. (1991) have recently classified the woodlands of Great Britain and found that sycamore was present in 14 of their 25 recognized woodland types. They assert that sycamore is increasing in importance towards the west and the north with a marked association with Ulmus glabra and areas with rainfall in excess of either 762mm/yr or 1000mm/yr (Rodwell et al. 1991, pp. 138 and 255 respectively). They suggest that sycamore is not so much an indicator of human interference but rather of areas of higher rainfall. It is worth noting that sycamore is not recorded in the Quercus petraea and Betula spp. community type (W11) characteristic of western Great Britain, where rainfall is high and soils are free-draining.
Sycamore is widely distributed and occurs in 2267 10km squares of the Atlas of the British Flora, and of all tree and shrub species only ash (2344 squares) and Crataegus monogyna are more widely distributed (Perring & Walters 1962).
Apart from Sorbus aucuparia, sycamore ascends higher than any other broadleaved species and has been recorded up to an altitude of 480m in Shropshire (Jones 1944). On exposed and often tree-less islands of both the far north (Orkney and Shetlands) and the south-west (Scilly Isles) sycamore is the commonest tree (Low 1987, Davey 1909).
Perring & Walters' (1962) sycamore distribution map show that it now occurs in most 10km squares in Ireland, except in Connemara, Mayo and some parts of Central Ireland. In Dublin, sycamore is probably the commonest tree in the inner city (Wyse Jackson & Sheehy Skeffington 1984). Sycamore's altitudinal distribution ranges from sea level up to 280m in Kerry (Scully 1916).
In the Lothian Region of Scotland sycamore constitutes 18.4% of the total number of trees in residential areas, 15.3% in lowland rural and 5.5% in upland rural areas. It is the commonest species except in upland areas where soils are poorly drained (Good et al. 1978). In terms of habitats Good et al. (1978) found a large variation in the occurrence of sycamore, it represented only 1% of all the trees found in hedgerows, 2% pastures, 0% in marsh and fens, 1% of industrial spoils, 2% in coniferous woodland, 21% in mixed woodland, 20% in broadleaved woodland, 13% arable fields, 19% in park (commonest tree), 10% in shelterbelts, 8% in scrubs and 7% in gardens. Large geographical variations do occur; for instance in the Galloway region, some parts of Lancashire and near Aviemore sycamore is the commonest hedgerow timber species (Moore et al. 1967).
In North Wales sycamore was the 3rd most common roadside tree (14% of the total) (Good & Steele 1981) while in Derbyshire it occurred in small numbers: 2% in brookside and field hedges and 8% in garden hedges (Willmot 1980). Work by Allison & Peterken (1985) suggests that in Avon and Norfolk sycamore is six times more common in built up areas and along highways than in woodlands. Sycamore has often been reported as an important part of the flora of walls (e.g. Payne 1978, Risbeth 1948, Woodell & Rossiter 1959).
Sycamore is a common feature of human habitations. In Wales sycamore was commonly planted about farmhouses (Woods 1990), while in the city of Manchester sycamore and other maples represented 11% of the total number of trees surveyed (Wong et al. 1988).
In broadleaved high forest of Great Britain sycamore represents 8.8% of the total (Evans 1987) and a similar figure is given for Cumbria where it is the third commonest broadleaved species after oak and birch (Bunce 1989). According to Rackham (1976) the expansion of sycamore has occurred chiefly into highland woods.
In a Cumbrian valley Kirby (1986), in a survey, recognized four types of semi-natural woodlands. Quercus petraea woodland (old coppice) was the commonest type, while stands dominated by Betula pubescens, ash and Corylus avellana or Alnus glutinosa were also found. However, sycamore was only present where ash is dominant, mostly on scree slopes.
In eastern England sycamore invasion of ancient woods is recent, covers only 0.5% of the woodland area and is more common in ash and elm woods (Rackham 1980). In his investigation of west Suffolk woodlands Bleay (1987) found that sycamore was very common in secondary woodlands and forestry plantations and occurred in half of primary woodlands and deciduous plantations. In woodlands the frequency of sycamore was very variable but at the majority of the sites no tree regeneration was observed. Bleay (1987) found that in some ancient woodlands sycamore regenerated prolifically and sycamore invasion was more commonly found close to the largest anthropogenic centres. He also suggests that sycamore may be more invasive following the decline in woodland management.
Planting and change in abundance
In Great Britain in terms of volume there has been an increase in sycamore from 2.11 to 2.47 million m3 from 1951 to 1980 according to Forestry Commission surveys and it is the fourth commonest species by volume. All main species except oak and of course elm showed increases (Allison & Peterken 1985).
The foliage is very tolerant of salt-laden winds, hence it is the most successful planted tree in Outer Isles like Orkney and Shetland. The Sycamore is noted for its tolerance of urban pollution and salt spray, which makes it a popular tree for planting in cities, along roads treated with salt in winter, and in coastal localities. It is cultivated and widely naturalised north of its native range in northern Europe, notably in the British Isles and Scandinavia north to Tromsø, Norway; Reykjavík, Iceland, and Torshavn on the Faroe Islands. In North America, escapes from cultivation are most common in New England, New York City and the Pacific Northwest. It is planted in many temperate parts of the Southern Hemisphere, most commonly in New Zealand and on the Falkland Islands.
Recent changes in amenity tree planting in rural landscapes of England and Wales have been documented by Wright (1983) which show that County Councils appear to have dramatically increased their rate of planting of sycamore from 3.2% to 12% of the total number of trees planted within a few years prior to 1981 (Table 2). In contrast, other agencies stopped planting sycamore altogether. 72% of 25 authorities planted sycamore regularly, and planting was common in most of England except in the East and in Wales. Sycamore has also been widely used for land reclamation, particularly spoil heaps (e.g. Jobling 1987).
In recent years, because of its high regeneration potential sycamore has been seen as presenting one of the major problems in conservation management plans for the Telford woods (Tobin et al. 1987) and it's profuse regeneration has often been controlled in urban woodlands (Nicholson & Hare 1986) and National Nature Reserves (Gibbons 1990a,b, 1991).
Sycamore has had some importance in British forestry, although it has never received the attention given to it by continental foresters. This of course may not be totally surprising given the present neglect of broadleaved forests in England when compared to those of Central Europe. The silviculture, growth, yield and economics of sycamore in Wessex has been documented by Stern (1989).
Pure sycamore coppice (about 2500ha or about 7% of the total coppiced area) occur on a wide range of soils in the south of England, whereas coppice with standards is rare. The rotations are typically of 10 to 20 years and the wood is used in turnery (Evans 1984).
Due to its "prolific seeding" sycamore, as well as ash, is potentially good for selection and shelterwood management systems of high forest (Pryor & Savill 1986). The shelterwood management of sycamore was first applied in England by Garfitt (1953, 1963) to hazel coppice, which was thinned out in groups to release ash and sycamore saplings which regenerated underneath it. However, in areas where the hazel coppice was subsequently not completely removed it has remained dominant (Pryor & Savill 1986).
Although little use of the shelterwood system appears to have been made Pryor & Savill (1986) suggest that with ash, sycamore is the most promising species for shelterwoods because no gap planting is necessary because of vigour of regeneration and it requires less weeding than oak.
In areas where the selection system is practised sycamore and ash are the most abundant seedlings and are used as nurse trees for the final crop species, usually beech, oak and cherry (Pryor & Savill 1986).
The timber price of rippled (wavy-grain) sycamore in Ireland is high and this wood has obviously a good market prospect (Gallagher 1987). Although sycamore has been under-used in modern forestry (Stern 1982), large plantations of rippled sycamore is potentially feasible, but the conditions determining the expression of the character have yet to be ascertained (e.g. Stevenson 1985).
At present sycamore is investigated for its use in agrenforestry systems (mixture of agricultural, energy and forestry crops) in Scottish hill farms (Newman et al. 1989). This system is designed to provide shelter for sheep and cattle, and sycamore is interplanted with Alnus incana which is coppiced.
It is also planted for timber production; the wood is white with a silky lustre, and hard-wearing, used for furniture and flooring. Occasional trees produce wood with a wavy grain, greatly increasing the value for decorative veneers. European sycamore is a traditional wood used in creating necks, backs, and scrolls for violins.
The creamy-white wood is used for furniture-making, veneers and in musical instruments.
In more recent times sycamore timber has been of high value for turnery, furniture and flooring. It wears slowly and smoothly and has been sought after for the floors of dance halls (Fitzpatrick 1966).
Ref; 1999 Pierre Binggeli.
Feeding and other inter-species relationships Associated with Acer pseudoplatanus
Sycamore seeds are readily eaten by wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) as soon as they fall to the ground but only when acorns or beech nuts are rare (Ashby 1959, Watts 1968, Montgomery et al. 1991).
Maples (Acer sp.) are used as food plants by the larvae of a number of Lepidoptera species. These include:
Polyphagous species which feed on Acer among other plants
Brown-tail (Euproctis chrysorrhoea)
Bucculatrix leaf-miners including:
B. demaryella
B. thoracella
Buff-tip (Phalera bucephala) - recorded on Norway Maple
Coleophora alniella - recorded on Red Maple
Coxcomb Prominent (Ptilodon capucina) - recorded on Norway Maple
The Dun-bar (Cosmia trapezina)
The Engrailed (Ectropis crepuscularia)
Feathered Thorn (Colotois pennaria)
Grey Dagger (Acronicta psi) - recorded on Norway Maple
The Miller (Acronicta leporina) - recorded on Norway Maple
Mottled Pug (Eupithecia exiguata) - recorded on Sycamore
Mottled Umber (Erannis defoliaria)
November Moth (Epirrita dilutata)
Pale November Moth (Epirrita christyi)
The Satellite (Eupsilia transversa)
Setaceous Hebrew Character (Xestia c-nigrum)
Svensson's Copper Underwing (Amphipyra berbera)
The Sycamore (Acronicta aceris)
Winter Moth (Operophtera brumata)
Aceria macrorhynchus A mite parasite of sycamore leaf
aphid-infested is associate of larva Melangyna guttata - a hoverfly (Diptera: Syrphidae) Rotheray, G.E., 1993
aphid-infested is associate of larva Syrphus ribesii - a hoverfly (Diptera: Syrphidae) Rotheray, G.E., 1993
aphid-infested is associate of larva Syrphus torvus - a hoverfly (Diptera: Syrphidae) Rotheray, G.E., 1993
aphid-infested is associate of larva Syrphus vitripennis - a hoverfly (Diptera: Syrphidae) Rotheray, G.E., 1993
has sap sucked by Periphyllus - a genus of aphids (Homoptera: Aphididae) Rotheray, G.E., 1989
standing bark may be infected and damaged by conidioma Cryptostroma corticale - an anamorphic fungus Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997 ["Sooty Bark Disease"]
bark is decayed by apothecium Pezicula carnea - a discomycete (Helotiales: Dermateaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
bark is associate of apothecium Hymenoscyphus subpallescens - a discomycete (Helotiales: Helotiaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997 [associated with Cryptodiaporthe lebiseyi]
cut or fallen branch is decayed by Tubercularia anamorph Nectria cinnabarina - Coral Spot (Hypocreales: Nectriaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
cut or fallen branch is decayed by stroma Nectria cinnabarina - Coral Spot (Hypocreales: Nectriaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
dead branch is decayed by pseudothecium Splanchnonema pupula - a fungus (Pleosporales: Pleomassariaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
dead branch is decayed by immersed, single or in small group pseudothecium Massaria inquinans - an ascomycete (Pyrenulales: Massariaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
dead branch is decayed by stroma Thyridaria rubronotata - an ascomycete Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
dead branch is decayed by Cyclotherium coelomycetous anamorph Thyridaria rubronotata - an ascomycete Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
dead branch is decayed by partly immersed perithecium Rhamphoria bevanii - a pyrenomycete (Annulatascaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
dead branch is decayed by perithecium Chaetosphaerella fusispora - an ascomycete fungus (Trichosphaeriales: Helminthosphaeriaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
dead branch is decayed by stroma Eutypella acericola - a stromatic pyrenomycete (Xylariales: Diatrypaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
dead branch is decayed by stroma Hypoxylon howeanum - a stromatic pyrenomycete (Xylariales: Xylariaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
dead, attached branch is decayed by gregarious acervula Stegonsporium pyriforme - a coelomycete (Pleosporales: Pleomassariaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
fallen, rotten branch is decayed by stroma Xylaria longipes - Dead Moll's Fingers (Xylariales: Xylariaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
dead branch (small) is decayed by immersed, clustered pseudothecium Fenestella vestita - an ascomycete (Pleosporales: Fenestellaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
dead, fallen branch (small) is decayed by pycnidia Camarosporium ambiens - a coelomycete (Pleosporales) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
branch (small) is decayed by grouped perithecium Prosthecium platanoidis - a pyrenomycete (Diaporthales: Melanconidaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
branch is decayed by erumpent conidioma of Diplodina coelomyceous anamorph Cryptodiaporthe hystrix - a pyrenomycete (Diaporthales: Valsaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
branch is decayed by immersed, clustered perithecium Cryptodiaporthe hystrix - a pyrenomycete (Diaporthales: Valsaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
branch is decayed by immersed, solitary or clustered perithecium Cryptodiaporthe lebiseyi - a pyrenomycete (Diaporthales: Valsaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
branch is decayed by Phomopsis coelomycetous anamorph Cryptodiaporthe lebiseyi - a pyrenomycete (Diaporthales: Valsaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
branch is decayed by Phomopsis coelomycetous anamorph Diaporthe pustulata - a pyrenomycete (Diaporthales: Valsaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
branch is decayed by immersed, clustered perithecium Diaporthe pustulata - a pyrenomycete (Diaporthales: Valsaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
branch is decayed by stroma Eutypa maura - a stromatic pyrenomycete (Xylariales: Diatrypaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
aphid infested leaf is associate of larva Dasysyrphus tricinctus - a hoverfly (Diptera: Syrphidae) Rotheray, G.E., 1993
aphid-infested leaf is associate of larva Epistrophe grossulariae - a hoverfly (Diptera: Syrphidae) Rotheray, G.E., 1993
dead leaf is decayed by superficial pycnidium Chaetomella acutiseta - a coelomycete Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
dead leaf is decayed by apothecium Lachnum acerinum - a discomycete (Helotiales: Hyaloscyphaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
dead leaf is decayed by apothecium Lachnum radotinense - a discomycete (Helotiales: Hyaloscyphaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
dead leaf is decayed by apothecium Lachnum rhytismatis - a discomycete (Helotiales: Hyaloscyphaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997 [mostly associated with Rhytisma acerinum]
dead leaf is decayed by perithecium Gnomonia alni-viridis - a pyrenomycete (Diaporthales: Valsaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
dead leaf is decayed by perithecium Gnomonia cerastis - a pyrenomycete fungus (Diaporthales: Valsaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
live leaf has sap sucked by hypophyllous Drepanosiphum platanoidis - Sycamore Aphid (Homoptera: Callaphididae) Rotheray, G.E., 1989 [only breeds in spring and late summer/autumn]
living leaf is parasitised by stroma Rhytisma acerinum - Sycamore Tar-spot (Rhytismatales: Rhytismataceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
living, green leaf is spotted by Cristulariella depraedans - an anamorphic fungus (Helotiales: Sclerotiniaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997 [round or irregular pale buff spots 2-12mm diam. with narrow borders. May cause premature defoliation.]
old, fallen, dead leaf is decayed by apothecium Hyalopeziza ciliata - a discomycete (Helotiales: Hyaloscyphaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
leaf (rotten, fallen) rotten, fallen leaf is decayed by anamorph Trisulcosporium acerinum - a dematiaceous anamorphic fungus Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
rotting leaf is decayed by apothecium Hymenoscyphus caudatus - a discomycete (Helotiales: Helotiaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
rotting leaf is decayed by apothecium Mollisina acerina - a discomycete (Helotiales: Hyaloscyphaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
rotting leaf is decayed by apothecium Phialina lachnobrachya - a discomycete (Helotiales: Hyaloscyphaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
rotting leaf is decayed by apothecium Rhytisma acerinum - Sycamore Tar-spot (Rhytismatales: Rhytismataceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
rotting leaf midrib is decayed by apothecium Hymenoscyphus caudatus - a discomycete (Helotiales: Helotiaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
living leaf underside is parasitised by superficial Oidium anamorph Sawadaea bicornis - a powdery mildew (Erysiphales: Erysiphaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
living leaf underside is parasitised by superficial perithecium Sawadaea bicornis - a powdery mildew (Erysiphales: Erysiphaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
living leaf upperside may have effuse anamorph colony Aureobasidium pullulans - a dematiaceous anamorphic fungus (Dothideales: Dothioraceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
living and fading leaf of seedling especially is parasitised by amphigenous acervulus of Phloeospora coelomycetous anamorph Mycosphaerella latebrosa - an ascomycete (Mycosphaerellales: Mycosphaerellaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
living and fading leaf of seedling especially is spotted by amphigenous acervulus of Phloeospora coelomycetous anamorph Mycosphaerella latebrosa - an ascomycete (Mycosphaerellales: Mycosphaerellaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997 [small brown spots]
leaf is galled by Aceria pseudoplatani - a gall mite Stubbs, F.B. (Editor), 1986
leaf is mined by larva Heterarthrus aceris - a sawfly (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) Benson, R.B., 1952 [blister mine extending from edge or apex of leaf]
leaf is grazed by mobile cased full-grown larva Heterarthrus aceris - a sawfly (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) Benson, R.B., 1952 [jumping disc]
leaf is grazed by larva Pristiphora subbifida - a sawfly (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) Benson, R.B., 1958
dead petiole is decayed by perithecium Gnomonia cerastis - a pyrenomycete fungus (Diaporthales: Valsaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
dead, fallen petiole is decayed by apothecium Crocicreas subhyalinum - a discomycete (Helotiales: Helotiaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
old, rotting, fallen petiole is decayed by apothecium Lanzia luteovirescens - an ascomycete fungus (Helotiales: Rutstroemiaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997 [esp in woodland rides where dead leaves are covered by long damp grass]
rotting petiole is decayed by apothecium Pyrenopeziza petiolaris - a discomycete (Helotiales: Dermateaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
rotting petiole is decayed by apothecium Hymenoscyphus caudatus - a discomycete (Helotiales: Helotiaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
rotting petiole is decayed by perithecium Plagiostoma inclinatum - a pyrenomycete fungus (Diaporthales: Valsaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
live trunk may be infected and damaged by Dichomera coelomycetous anamorph Gibberella zeae - an ascomycete fungus (Hypocreales: Nectriaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997 [causes diamond-shaped cankers]
twig is decayed by grouped perithecium Prosthecium platanoidis - a pyrenomycete (Diaporthales: Melanconidaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
twig is decayed by densely gregarious, erumpent conidioma Phomopsis platanoidis - a coelomycete (Diaporthales: Valsaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
wood is decayed by perithecium Acanthonitschkea tristis - a pyrenomycete (Sordariales: Nitschkiaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
wood is decayed by stroma Xylaria polymorpha - Dead Man’s Fingers (Xylariales: Xylariaceae) Ellis, M.B. & J.P., 1997
Field Maple (Acer campestre)
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Sapindales
Family: Sapindaceae
Genus: Acer
Species: A. campestre
Acer campestre (common name Field Maple) is a maple native from north to southern England (where it is only native maple in the British Isles) and on hills up to 1200m, to much of Europe except Greece, Denmark, Poland and Belarus, Norway and Sweden and Northern Russia and west through Asia Minor to the Caspian sea, and also southwest Asia from Turkey to the Caucasus, and north Africa in the Atlas Mountains. Outside its range it is widely known as Hedge Maple, resembles a miniature Acer platanoides in habit and form. Typically found at the edges of woods and in hedgerows. This plant is a traditional species to use in a mixed wildlife hedge where its height can be controlled. As a shade-tolerant plant, it is often found in the shade of other trees in the wild. Frequently associated with ash, hazel and oak. Supports epiphytic lichens and bryophytes and wide range of insects. Coppices strongly and suitable for hedges standing clipping. Doesn't mind exposed, windy sites, the least particular of all maples as to temperature. However, it won't do well in dense shade or wet. It's good for coastal and chalky areas. Field Maple likes well-drained, moist, heavy soils calcerous at depth but not lime free (ph 5.5 to 7.7).
This small to medium-sized deciduous tree has an oval crown that becomes round with age, and which grows well during the first 20-25 years to 10-15m, matures at 50 years and can live to 100 years. Max height of 25m, but often reaches only 10-15 m in height or remains as a shrub when coppiced. Diameter: 0.5-1 m. The bark is grey / brown with a cork-like texture and is deeply fissured with wide orange fissures or cracked into squares. Older trees grey-brown or dark grey with fine cracks and pale ridges.
Field maple is an intermediate species in the succession of disturbed areas; it typically is not among the first trees to colonise a freshly disturbed area, but instead seeds in under the existing vegetation. It is very shade-tolerant during the initial stages of its life, but it has higher light requirements during its seed-bearing years. It exhibits rapid growth initially, but is eventually overtaken and replaced by other trees as the forest matures.
Shoots: dark brown above, light brown beneath, finely pubescent; second year striated and roughened, often thickly corky and winged by fifth year this characteristic varies from one individual to the next. Bud red-brown with grey, pubescent tip; 3 mm.
However, it is the brilliantly coloured foliage which makes the field maple so attractive. The deeply cut, leaves are in opposite pairs, 5-12 cm long (including the 3-6 cm petiole), with three to five blunt, rounded lobes with a smooth margin, basal lobes small with two irregular teeth on basal edge, three main lobes large, either cut halfway to base and parallel inner half or, on big leaves, cut almost to base and wedge-shaped narrowing to base, each lobe with a rounded tooth at the shoulder, or sinuate margin, triangular end and finely rounded tip; to 8-12 cm, deeply cordate, and are pink when they first appear, changing to deep green by late summer (new growth in hedges in summer bright red briefly) sub-shiny beneath, tufted vein axils, on a leaf stalk with milky sap, petiole slender, green or bright pink, 5-(9) cm. In autumn the leaf colour changes again, this time to red and bright yellow over long period, some red and some later purple. They are hairless above but downy below, at least on the veins, and are on stalks 10-20 mm long. The leaf surface may have 'blisters' caused by a gall-forming mite. Leaves drop in November.
![Field Maple DSCF0840.JPG](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/d3b330_235bcb611cd0401cba11796a25d20f76~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_573,h_430,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/Field%20Maple%20DSCF0840_JPG.jpg)
​Flowers and leaves appear together April to Mid-May, about ten small, widely spaced in erect head clusters of 10-20, 4-6 cm across, inconspicuous yellow umbel grapes with small yellow-green 5 petalled flowers, in hermaphrodite heads. There are male and female flowers on the same tree. The males have 8 showy stamens, the females a forked style.
Clusters of small, yellow-green flowers are followed in August and September by brown winged fruit, carried in pairs. The fruits are 2-4 cm across and consist of a pair of 'propellers' each with a seed enclosed in a hairy swelling at the base. The fruit is a samara with two winged seeds aligned at greater than 135 degrees apart , each seed 8-10 mm wide, flat, with a 2 cm wing. Four in a bunch, finely pubescent or glabrous bright yellow-green, stained crimson often used by children as helicopters.
Similar species: The sycamore is a native of Central Europe and widely distributed in the British Isles. Believed introduced pre 600. Distinguished by red stems if leaves and angled pair of helicopter seeds rather than in line. Norway Maples (Acer platanoides) is another common introduced species.
There are two varieties, not accepted as distinct by all authorities:
Acer campestre var. campestre
Acer campestre var. leiocarpum (syn. A. campestre subsp. leiocarpum)
Propagation and growth: Grown from seed. Deeply dormant. Treat seed for approx 34 weeks - from collection to planting following spring. Mix with peat and sand, keep moist and allow to fluctuate outside naturally outside as would naturally occur but protect from predators. Natural germination typically takes 18 months. Produces viable seed most years.
Approx 9000 seed per Kg.
Among the many cultivars of A. campestre are those with a reddish tone (like 'Red Shine' and 'Royal Ruby'), those with a golden tone (such as 'Postelense'), and variegated varieties (most notably 'Carnival'). There are also a number of cultivars selected for habit, such as the less-shrubby 'Elsrijk', the pendulous 'Green Weeping', the small and globular 'Nanum', and the almost columnar 'Queen Elizabeth'.
Location: Sun to half-shade
Soil: sandy - loamy
ph-value: weakly sourly to alkaline
adaptable to many soils, including very alkaline, very acid, dry or compacted sites
withstands air pollution
tolerates heavy pruning
easily transplanted
tolerates urban conditions
Landscape Uses
excellent for residential areas as a lawn tree
can be pruned into a hedge (a common use in Europe)
a good choice for urban sites
warrants greater use in the landscape
Acer campestre L. subsp. campestre
Family: Aceraceae
Genus: Acer
Species: campestre
Rank: subsp.
Name status: External
Acer campestre L. subsp. campestre var. campestre
Family: Aceraceae
Genus: Acer
Species: campestre
Rank: var.
Name status: External
Acer campestre L. subsp. campestre var. leiocarpum (Opiz) Wallr.
Family: Aceraceae
Genus: Acer
Species: campestre
Rank: var.
Name status: Accepted
Acer campestre L. subsp. hebecarpum (DC.) Pax
Family: Aceraceae
Genus: Acer
Species: campestre
Rank: subsp.
Name status: Synonym
Accepted name(s):
Acer campestre L.
Acer campestre L. subsp. leiocarpum (Opiz) Pax
Family: Aceraceae
Genus: Acer
Species: campestre
Rank: subsp.
Name status: Synonym
Accepted name(s):
Acer campestre L.
Acer campestre L. subsp. marsicum (Guss.) Hayek
Family: Aceraceae
Genus: Acer
Species: campestre
Rank: subsp.
Reference: Prodr. Fl. Penins. Balcan. 1: 606 (1925)
Name status: Provisional
low branches make mowing difficult
dense shade can cause turf to struggle
seed can germinate abundantly
None are common in the trade, but several are occasionally seen. Several have colored leaves, including 'Pulverentum' with variegated foliage, 'Postelense' with leaves that emerge yellow and mature to green, and 'Schwerinii' with new purple foliage that turns green. Selections with variation in form are more common, with 'Compactum' (also known as 'Nanum') assuming the proportions of an attractive dense shrub only perhaps 6' tall.
Among maples not endemic to Japan, A. campestre (and the similar A. monspessulanum) are popular among bonsai enthusiasts. The dwarf cultivar 'Microphyllum' is especially useful in this regard. A. campestre bonsai have an appearance distinct from those created from maples such as A. palmatum with more frilly, translucent, leaves. The shrubby habit and smallish leaves of A. campestre respond well to techniques encouraging ramification and leaf reduction.
Field Maple is widely grown as an ornamental tree in parks and large gardens. The wood is white and fine grained, hard and strong, and used for furniture and flooring, though the small size of the tree and its relatively slow growth make it an unimportant wood. Rarely produces timber sized trees and hence used for turnery, marketry, and craft work. Wood was used in the Middle Ages for making musical instruments. Maple wood is used for violin making, forming the back, sides and neck of an instrument.
According to Alsation folklore, placing branches of Maple in the house would ensure protection against bats. It would also ensure that any nesting storks were safe from disturbance and their chicks from being killed in their eggs.
There was a belief that passing a child through the branches would ensure a long life for him or her.
Feeding and other inter-species relationships
Associated with Acer campestre:
Field Maple supports 51 species of wildlife.
is associate
is associate of Anisoxya fuscula - a false darkling beetle (Coleoptera: Melandryidae) Bullock, J.A., 1992
leaf is galled by Aceria eriobia - a gall mite Stubbs, F.B. (Editor), 1986
leaf is mined by larva Heterarthrus aceris - a sawfly (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) Benson, R.B., 1952 [blister mine extending from edge or apex of leaf]
leaf is grazed by mobile cased full-grown larva Heterarthrus aceris - a sawfly (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) Benson, R.B., 1952 [jumping disc]
leaf is grazed by larva Pristiphora subbifida - a sawfly (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) Benson, R.B., 1958
The leaves produce a honeydew on which hairstreak butterflies feed.
The leaves are the food for the caterpillars of maple prominent moths.
Food plant of the caterpillars of the following moths: Winter, Maple Pug, Mocha, Small yellow Wave, Sycamore. Maple Pug, Eupithecia inturbata, (Hübner, 1817)
Taxon stage Larva
Time of year mid May to late May
Foodplants Field Maple, Acer campestre
Tip In the last week of May the flowers should be first searched and then beaten for larvae. The larvae feed on and in maple bloom in May. They feed up rapidly, pupate in or near the surface of the soil or among the food-plants, and are very easy to rear [Tutt]
Mildew (Uncinula bicornis):
Flour rope (Uncinula bicornis): grey-white coat with the finger wipe offable. Does not have to be treated. Remove strong infestation leaves in the autumn.
Leaf marks (Didymosporina aceris):
Only small black marks on the sheets. Later larger brown marks up to the sheet waste. Treatment not necessarily.
Cancer (Nectria galligena):
Fungal attack breaks open the bark. Stricken branches should be removed and burned. If the trunk is stricken the cancer should be cut out by a specialist.
Plant Louse (Periphyllus villosus)
Leaf changes by plant louse parasitic growth. Harmless for the tree.
Verticillium - Welke (Verticillium alboatrum)
Tracheomykose (parasitic fungus illness) far spreads in gardening used soils. The fungus penetrates over the roots and clogs the line courses (brown colouring). The leaves wither. Also only parts of the tree can be concerned. An exact evaluation should make the specialist, since withered features also can have different causes (root damage, dryness etc.).
Bootlace fungus,
Honey fungus
Hoof Fungus
Shaggy pholiota
Fleecy scaly mushroom
Dryad's Saddle
Turkey Tail
Daedalea unicolor Smoky Polypore Artist's Conk Sap Decay
Bilious - leaves deformations causes by Gallmilben. Harmless for the tree.
Aceria macrorrphyncha cepholonea
Aceria macrochela macrochela
Aceria eriobia eriobia